The summer is almost upon us and like me many of you are signing up for gym memberships to achieve your summer body. I call my weight loss journey #getitrightgetittight. I was talking to a neighbor who told me to join her at orange theory. I had always seen the buildings around town but I had never had an interest in walking in. I went and I actually enjoyed it a lot. I was in a good routine of going until I someone else broke my pinky toe and I was unable to workout for two months. (Yes I meant to say someone else broke my pinky toe but that’s another story for a different day)
Now that my toe is no longer broken I decided to give Orange Theory another try. I will break up my progress per week in order to give a better picture of how my weight loss occurred. Most say in order to see true results you must attend at least 3 classes per week. So being the overachiever I am I decided to commit to 4 classes per week since I have a ton of weight to lose. My workout schedule will consist of classes on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday.
The goal in each class is to have your heart rate at 84% or higher for 12-20 minutes in order to produce the after burn. The after burn allows their clients to have an increased metabolic rate for 24 to 36 hours. Each class consist of 60 minutes of interval training blocks that include the treadmill, rowing machine, and strength training. Most clients burn between 500 to 1000 calories per session and 3-5 pounds per week according to their website. If you plan on attending for your first time they do offer a free class to take for your first time. Just make sure to arrive 30 min to the class starting so they can provide you a heart-rate monitor and explain the flow of the class. The studio does a great job of asking before class if it is anyone’s first time and they will be there for any questions during your workout.
For my first day back I actually did good. We had an endurance day which consisted of intervals in 3 blocks on the treadmill and a 800m-200m row with weights exercises in between. The great aspect to this studio is you will never perform a workout more than once so there is no chance of plateauing. During the second workout on Wednesday I unfortunately got shin splints so I could not effectively give my workout my all and had to leave the treadmill and head to the elliptical. Friday was the same and by Sunday I had actually got some of my energy back but did not hit my bare minimum of splat points.
At the end of each of your workouts you will receive an email detailing you workout and calories lost. This is great if you want to see your progress from when you first began at the studio and also if you keep track of your workouts in any apps. After week one my body is still sore but in a good way. It is nice to feel the burn so you can see what areas of your body you are working out. I hope that for this new week I can consistently hit my splat points for each day.
Starting Weight Week 1: 184 (Keep in mind for this weigh in I was at the doctor’s office with clothes on)
End of Week 1 Weight: 177.8 (All other weigh ins will be done on Monday’s with no clothes)
Stay tuned for next week’s progress report!