This year I had a crazy idea, I wanted to participate in a Tough Mudder Half. I knew a few people from work who would always talk about how they compete in 3-4 Tough Mudders a year, and I would always think they were crazy. They were super fit, so it wasn’t hard to believe that this was a normal pastime for them, but I barely worked out, and I hate getting dirty. To be honest with you, I didn’t believe I was fit or strong enough to even participate in these types of challenges which is why I have never done them. I knew that if I were to do this, I would need to recruit some friends to join me. When I asked my friends if they would like to participate with me, they would laugh and instantly tell me no, mainly because there would be mud and physical exertion involved. After weeks, and I mean weeks of trying to convince my friends to do this with me, I found two people willing to participate with me in the Tough Mudder Half.
As I stated earlier, I am not in shape, and I knew the 10-12 mile Tough Mudder was not even an option for me. If I wanted to participate, it would have to be the Tough Mudder Half for my first experience. When I arrived on the big day, I was not only nervous but scared. I said to myself, “Why am I doing this?” “Will I even be able to finish the race?” I was pretty lazy when it came to preparing for the Tough Mudder Half and barely worked out which only added to my anxiety. Thankfully, I was able to make it through the entire course and complete all of the obstacles. Not to sound cliche, but this was a life changing experience. I learned so much about my body, and what it was able to withstand and the encouragement and help I received from strangers on the course was overwhelming.
I am not going to lie to you this challenge was hard. I am not a runner and to be honest just running/walking the 5 miles course was the most difficult part for me. The obstacles were fun to do, and surprisingly the obstacles that included the mud were my favorites. Once you make it through the first mud obstacle, you adjust to being wet and dirty to the point where it’s not even an issue anymore. I would recommend you try to train for the Tough Mudder Half to better prepare your mind and body for the 5-mile challenge. Some of the obstacles were difficult but would have been easier for me to handle had I Even if you do not workout often I would still encourage to participate in the Tough Mudder or Tough Mudder Half. It was a ton of fun, and I can’t wait to do the full Tough Mudder in 2018.
For more tips and info, please click here to visit the Tough Mudder website. I will also be posting some must-have items you need if you are going to participate in the Tough Mudder Half so make sure you check back in tomorrow to see the list. Have you completed a Tough Mudder Half or Tough Mudder? Share your experience or tips below in the comment section! For those of you who want to try a Tough Mudder use code SUMMER25 to save 25% your tickets.