The Book of Henry centers around Henry Carpenter (Jaeden Lieberher), a smart and wise beyond his years, 11-year-old. He lives with his mom Susan (Naomi Watts) and little brother Peter (Jacob Tremblay). Henry notices that something is not right with his next door neighbor Christina (Maddie Ziegler) and tries to prove that she is being abused by her stepfather Glenn (Dean Norris). The only issue is that Glenn is the police commissioner and has the city wrapped around his fingers. Without circumstantial evidence to prove abuse is taking place, Henry enlists the help of his mother to save Christina from her abusive stepfather.
Jaeden Lieberher is amazing to watch in this film and truly connects the audience to his character. From his previous performance in 2016’s Midnight Special and the upcoming It remake, he has a bright future in Hollywood. Naomi Watts is the laid back and fun mom we always wanted but also delivers a strong performance as a single parent trying to raise both of her sons the best way she knows how. What I enjoyed about this film was how it touched upon apathy surrounding our society today. This movie will challenge you to think of how our lack of concern effects those who are struggling for help around us.
I really enjoyed watching this movie and was happy to see the trailer did not give too much of the film away. This movie will definitely tug at your heart as you learn more about Henry and his courage to do the right thing. I would recommend you PAY to see this movie in theaters. I would like to also note that this movie is suitable to bring your children to as the movie does not go deep into the details of abuse. This is one of the best movies I have seen thus far in 2017.
The Book of Henry opens in theaters on Friday, June 16th. Click here to purchase your tickets at Fandango. Have you seen The Book of Henry? Share your thoughts on the film below!
Pay for Book of Henry. Great movie…
I loved this movie! It was moving and funny at the same time. Definitely a must see. I would love to see this movie get an Oscar!
I would too. We will have to see what movies come out at the end of the year to see if it’s possible.
Definitely go see this movie. I really liked it a lot.
Not so fast , I thought much of the acting was average,writing was contrite and predictable . Trailers shared most of story except the obvious that is revealed along the way. I could not connect with any character. Maybe I swung and miss in my perception but no way is this the best of the year.
Hi Dave. We all have different viewpoints on films which why I love when someone shares their opinions on the films that might not align with mine. To me 2017 has brought us remake after remake and most films have lost their imagination or new plot concepts. This is one of my favorites of the year because it’s a different story than most of the films that have come out.
what do you mean when you say “how it touched upon the lack of apathy surrounding our society today” – i’m just not sure what a lack of apathy is?
Apathy is a lack of feeling, emotion, interest, and concern. An apathetic individual has an absence of interest in or concern about emotional, social, spiritual, philosophical, and/or physical life and the world.
I believe you meant to say “it touched upon the apathy”, not lack of apathy. Lack of apathy is good. We don’t want apathy.
Great catch Sue! Thank you!
I really enjoyed this movie far more than I anticipated. It also was not completely what I expected, which is refreshing as that it’s very rare that a movie surprises me
Thanks for the wonderful review on this movie. I guess it will be a must-see!
Enjoyed this movie, will pay.
The book of Henry had a surprising amount of comedy for a serious subject matter of abuse. This film was very good, this is another movie that I wouldn’t thought about seeing! That’s the beauty of screening passes it allows you see all types of films that you normally wouldn’t. My wife is telling me every movie you see doesn’t have to be shoot em up and silly comedies! Expand your interest so I took a chance of this film and I was pleasantly surprised how good it was. The book of Henry receives 5 out of 5 stars!
I love this beautiful movie. It was very strong and true. The casting, storyline, and acting was very precious. It will hit your soul and spirit. Tears will come down. Very powerful message for the world family to love. I give this movie a B ladies and gentleman.